The Future of Energy

What is the Socal Energy Program?

Socal Energy Upgrades is the State Approved Company to offer energy efficiency programs that through utility companies, allow rate-payers access to energy savings upgrades.

Participating Utilities include:



Pacific Gas and Electric

San Diego Gas &Electric


Southern California Edison

Edison International

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)

If you are serviced by any of the above noted utilities, you are eligible to start saving now.

Who Is Eligible for Incentives and Rebates?

Anyone who is currently being served by any of the participating utility companies is eligible for  Benefits. Homeowners must also reside in a 1-4 Family property.

What Is a Socal No-Cost Home Energy Assessment?

A Home Energy Assessment allows homeowners to get a comprehensive look at their homes’ efficiency and how it could be improved. 

These improvements and recommendations will come with rebates and other incentives.

What Rebates are Available?

100% NO COST Funded Air Sealing to block off air leakage in your home

Roof Upgrades to Cool Roof at No Cost with Solar Installation

75-100% on Insulation Improvements

Rebates of up to $10,000

(Vary depending of product type, size, and efficiency)

Complete Solar Installation at No Cost

What Is a No-Cost Home Energy Assessment?

A Home Energy Assessment allows homeowners to get a comprehensive look at their homes’ efficiency and how it could be improved. Our technicians will review the home and identify areas that would benefit from energy efficient products and appliances and also make recommendations on potential equipment upgrades.

These improvements and recommendations will come with rebates and other incentives.

Schedule your no-cost assessment now.